click the link above, for events.
November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month!
April is National Donate Life Month
Monday, March 31, 2008
Pre---Dallas Morning News Article
Enjoy the article on tomorrow, learn something, question everything, and fight become your own patient advocate for your medical health at ALL of your doctors appointments.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
News Article (Cigarette Company Paid for Lung Cancer Study)
“Janet Sims’ Transplant Fund”
Mrs. Sims, a 40 year old mother of 3, has a disease called Sarcoidosis, she had a successful double lung an heart transplant in February of 2007. Two months shy of her annual post transplant operation, her lungs went into chronic rejection and she had to be relisted for another transplant. The second operation was a success also. Now Mrs. Sims begins her road to recovery, thanking God for another chance at life. It is our hope and desire that you would assist us in with your donations to this worthy cause and to this valiant woman of God who has committed her life to God.
What is Sarcoidosis?
Janet is currently hospitalized at Stanford University Medical Center recovering from her second transplant. She will be required to live in the Stanford/San Jose California area for extensive outpatient medical care after the transplant for a minimum of three to four months.
Her husband Mr. Sims will be her caregiver for her aftercare and will have to undergo training to learn how to assist Mrs. Sims. This will require him to temporarily relocate to the Stanford area to care for his wife and take on the expense of maintaining to places of residences, Nevada and California The cost of transportation for her, her husband and her family, housing, expensive medications, food and other necessities is estimated to reach at least $30,000.
Rest assured that 100% of your donation will be used exclusively for Mrs. Sims’ care during this catastrophic illness. Our prayer is that your generosity will be restored to you 100 times and that God’s will richly bless you with all that you have need of. Please keep The Sims family in your prayers as they trust God through this difficult time.
Thank you in advance for your loving kindness. God Bless You,
Seglinda Chaney, Fund Trustee and Friend of Mrs. Janet SimsMake a donation
Account # 2296701622
Routing # 321270742
Make checks payable to: Janet Sims Transplant Fund.
By Mail: Janet Sims
6223 E. Sahara Ave. Sp.155
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Annual Transplant Exam (PaperWork)
Transplant doctors related appointments:
Day 1:
First and foremost staving NPO (no food or water) from midnight the night before my first appointment until after my bronchcoscopy at 1400 on Thursday 4/10/08; 2 to 3 hours after the procedure. If you are counting that is about 17 to 18 hours because you really can’t eat until 1600 to 1700; a long time without food.
Blood work
Abdominal / Aorta ultrasound
Chest X-Ray / CT Scan
Bone Density Scan
Bronch (Biopsy and wash of lungs)
Day 2:
NPO (no food or water/drink) after midnight.
Barium swallow (chest and abdomen) X-Ray
PFT’s (pulmonary function test), 6 minute walk
Other doctors / medical specialist:
Dentist / Orthodontist
Eye Exam (check for glaucoma, Cataracts, CMV and Retinitis)
Prostate Exam (this test might not take place for the obvious reasons i.e. male ego at play here need I say more)
The Little Surprise:
Had a little package included with the schedule that the hospital sent to me to have another test/cancer screen done. In an effort to keep this story short, sweet and maintain my journalistic integrity as a professional (ha ha ha) I am supposed to capture my fecal matter for a colorectal cancer screen over three days. The funny thing is I didn’t receive any glove, mask, or hasmat suits to collect this SH*T I mean stuff and mail it back. I guess the post office is a logistical marvel as they do move a lot of SH*T.
Friday, March 14, 2008
I worked Out Yesterday.... and it hurt
I link to the photographers (William DeShazer) blogsite that took pictures of my workout
Note: the ab wheel really hurts your chest after having it cracked/sawed open. I used to be able to do this, I was first introduced to the ab wheel in 1992..... am I that old now that was 16 years ago.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Another BAC has made the list
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Graduation Video (SMU Dec. '07)
Excerpts from the graduation ceremony December 2008 at SMU's Moody Coliseum; with remarks made by President R. Gerald Turner and Provost Paul Ludden (this video was extracted from the SMU video news Library
“Travel Happy”, “Travel Happy”, “Travel Happy”, “Travel Happy”
Follow-up from doc. apt. on Monday
Thursday, March 06, 2008
One Year and Counting
Flashback on March 5, 2007:
- Woke up and worked Telecommuting from my apartment (I did not go to the Palo Alto, or Sunnyvale site on that day).
- At about 3PM was able to knock off work and head over to Stanford to pick-up some Paperwork at the hospital, and have lunch in the cafeteria (a very good lunch from the hospital grill that I was mad they would have to get out of my stomach before the transplant was to take place.) Grilled chicken wrap, Strawberry Milk, fresh fruit salad, bottle of water.
- About 3:30 I finished eating so with my paperwork in hand I went over to the cancer center to use the computers, and print out some puzzles and word searches for the recent heart/lung transplant patients (puzzles help with manual dexterity, and mental focus as your body adjust to all the medicine you are on).
- Still in the cancer center at the library printing when my pager went off, at about 5:00PM PST as I was multi-tasking (blogging, e-mail, printing puzzles, and researching cancer). I ignored it as I had gotten some false pages when someones fax machine had gotten a hold of my pager number; once I noticed it was a hospital number I called it back and the surgeon said "Jerrold this is Dr. ****** we have some lungs you need to get to the hospital"; I said ok I will see you in four hours even though I was right across the street I had stuff I needed to do before I was to be out of commission for a few weeks. (I needed to clean my apartment, I had no clean clothes it was laundry night, needed to pay bills, I needed to set out maps and parking tokens for my wife to get back and forth to the hospital). In the end I was advised not to leave the hospital so I went and delivered the puzzles and parked my truck at the home hospital apartments across from Stanford hospital, caught a ride to the hospital which was across the street.
- From 5:05 - 6:00PM made calls to (my landlord, wife, folks, brothers, Pastor, manager, cancer friends in California, and transplant buds in California)... I walked into the hospital upright and ready for whatever.
- At 6:00 PM the wait began I was in the put in a room to do blood work, get hooked up to my IV, shower, and get ready for the operation. I was told that the surgeon was tired and was going to take a nap before the surgery so I said sleep was good and the transplant was scheduled for midnight...... waiting
- While waiting Sharon and Justin (cancer buds from California) visited with me, then my Godmother made it down from Sacramento, and my wife would eventually make it in right before the transplant at about 11:30PM. ..... back tracking to kill time I got on the computer at the nurses station and blogged, paid bills, and sent e-mails.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Tomorrow marks one year
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Lung Cancer Advocacy Summit

The purpose of the Lung Cancer Advocacy Summit is to provide training and guidance to advocates for how to effect change at a grass-roots level. The summit will consist of teaching workshops, interactive sessions, networking, and small-group discussions. The workshops will be lead by health and research professionals, media trainers, and advocacy trainers. The topics that will be discussed include: understanding lung cancer, how to be your own health advocate, becoming a lung cancer consumer reviewer, how to de-stigmatize the disease, raising lung cancer awareness in your community, and how to navigate the legislative process.
To download the agenda (.pdf format) click here.
In order to facilitate constructive interaction among participants, we are limiting attendance to 50 grass-roots lung cancer advocates.
To download the application (.pdf format) click here.
The application deadline is March 20, 2008
Applications are sought from diverse members of the lung cancer advocacy community, regardless of experience or “allegiance” to any given organization. We have assembled a core group of lung cancer survivors and advocates who will review the applications and choose the participants.
Two nights of hotel accommodations and up to $500 in transportation costs will be provided to participants accepted to the summit. All meals during the summit will be provided.
Lung Cancer Advocacy Summit Affiliate Partners:
The Beverly Fund
Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation
Joan’s Legacy
Lung Cancer Alliance
LUNGevity Foundation
National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship
Prevent Cancer Foundation
Respiratory Health Association of Metro Chicago
Thomas G. Labrecque Foundation
Am I catching a cold or what???
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Yesterday, was Hell
One thing I have noticed recently and would feel like I am doing a disservice to everyone that works if I don't comment on the fact that if you work and are sick stay home, don't spread the wealth of germs you have built up within your body, work will always be there; if you don't take care of you and your health who will?????
Wheeee I am off of my soapbox now. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest, I may have to revisit this soapbox again so be forewarned.