I read Bo's blog yesterday and was constantly reminded of the daily battle cancer / and transplant patients must undergo since our immune systems are compromised. The Johnson family is worried about germs and rightfully so, just wear your mask, wash hand often, use the hand gel and give people the cold shoulder (for your health) if you think they are sick.
The Day Care is going to kill me; now there is a notice to watch out for strep throat in the class that Ravyn (little R) is in, I think the class that (medium R) Raegan is in is clean for the rest of this week.
National Lung Cancer Partnership EVENTS
click the link above, for events.
November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month!
April is National Donate Life Month
click the link above, for events.
November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month!
April is National Donate Life Month
Monday, June 30, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
lazy Saturday
Lazy lazy day today, the girls and I will just hang out at the house as they recover, just a few more days until she returns. I HOPE I CAN STAY OUT OF THE HOSPITAL. On a said note I did not get to go to Boston this weekend to advocate for lung cancer (LC) with the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) the is always next time.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
long / short night
The girls are still on the mend, last night I was up with Ravyn most of the night, I feel like I am catching something my throat is starting to hurt but as I am self medicating with 3 different antibiotics outside the normal onslaught of pills that make up my Olympic diet (BALCO style). Note it is always good to keep a supply of antibiotics around to keep you out of the Spa.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Staying alive, staying out of the hospital
Today I have a renewed sense, feeling of energy, Monday and Tuesday were a different story.
Monday: The day was cut in half as I was forced to leave the girls at the babysitters house and out of daycare; Raegan was still running a fever so she couldn't go to school. I left work to take them both to the pediatrician the result was they both have sinus infections and Raegan has a stomach virus (Ravyn will soon get the stomach virus, I think I already have iiiittt ..... sorry had to make a run). There are now even more meds in the house the girls antibiotics, and I have called half of the army of doctors I see (am seen by) to get antibiotics to try and head off anything, any virus or infection that might come my way in the next few days. I also will have to stay on the daycare they attend to let me, and all the parents know when a contagious disease is going around (pink eye, strep throat...).
Tuesday: Was tired and struggled through work as I got about 2 hours of sleep last night, Raegan was up most of the night not feeling well, and the Stomach virus has been passed (bad choice of words) to Ravyn.
I think we will hit the gym tonight, if it DON'T KILL ME IT WILL MAKE ME STRONGER.
Monday: The day was cut in half as I was forced to leave the girls at the babysitters house and out of daycare; Raegan was still running a fever so she couldn't go to school. I left work to take them both to the pediatrician the result was they both have sinus infections and Raegan has a stomach virus (Ravyn will soon get the stomach virus, I think I already have iiiittt ..... sorry had to make a run). There are now even more meds in the house the girls antibiotics, and I have called half of the army of doctors I see (am seen by) to get antibiotics to try and head off anything, any virus or infection that might come my way in the next few days. I also will have to stay on the daycare they attend to let me, and all the parents know when a contagious disease is going around (pink eye, strep throat...).
Tuesday: Was tired and struggled through work as I got about 2 hours of sleep last night, Raegan was up most of the night not feeling well, and the Stomach virus has been passed (bad choice of words) to Ravyn.
I think we will hit the gym tonight, if it DON'T KILL ME IT WILL MAKE ME STRONGER.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Finished my NO SLEEP study
I slept a whole 5 hours and 16 minutes, hibernation I woke scratching myself life a bear taking deep inhales through my mouth and exhaling (draw your own conclusion). I had on two different types of CPat mask so we shall see what comes of this. I did not think I would make the study as I have been feeling ill (very ill) all day coming down with whatever the girls have picked up this week at daycare. Raegan has been running fever, yellow green mucus, coughing, and complaining of a sore throat; Ravyn has been pretty much the same minus the fever and sore throat; I have just been feeling ill and vomiting alot yesterday (running from both places) I will have to get some new antibiotics called in so I don't have to visit the SPA.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
No Sleep at the Sleep lab
I slept a grand total of 4 and a half hours, arrived at the Sleep Clinic at about 8PM CST (read, watched TV, talked on the phone, filled out paperwork, answered transplant / cancer questions) napped / slept from about 11PM CS with all kinds of wires hooked up to me, I awoke at about 3:30 AM CST got unhooked and was out the door by 4:00 AM.
I need to go pick up the girls and take care of Raegan as she started to run a fever last night and both girls have runny noses (thanks filthy day care germs), I guess I will be wearing my mask around them for the next several days and popping a few extra antibiotics so I can stay out of the Spa.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Sleep clinic on Friday
I have to go to the pseudo spa on Friday night and see why my O2 levels drop so drastically at night. We shall see what this round of test yields, will it tell me that I don't sleep. I already know that I am on a boatload of meds (my neck is bigger now than when I played football thanks to the steroids), and never slept before as I would study after everyone else in the house was fast asleep....... I guess I just have to start school again so I can justify my sleep deprivation.
I am going to have to post a picture of my youngest daughter doing her baby dolls hair, as her big sister does her hair, and I do the big sisters hair..... eat your heart(s) out ex-teammates.
I am going to have to post a picture of my youngest daughter doing her baby dolls hair, as her big sister does her hair, and I do the big sisters hair..... eat your heart(s) out ex-teammates.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Field of Dreams
The pictures below were taken at the 14th annual Texas Rangers Organ Donors Awareness Game; May 10, 2008. The pictures were provided by the SouthWest Transplant Alliance.
Warning track power, but I plan on going yard next year.

Monday, June 09, 2008
threes company
Well, trying to get back to the new reality that is my family and the absence, the loss, we all are feeling right now. I think we take comfort in the fact that in our own unique way(s) we carry a piece of our father with us. I think I am carrying on his legacy by being as active in their lives as he was in ours, Coach Dash has not gone away he coached us hard but played with more energy than all of us kids combined. I think he would have been proud of the way I attacked the bounce house rides during the party Saturday, I gave those 5 year olds and younger a run for their money (something I couldn’t do last year as I was on the bench just returning from CA, and the year before suffering through chemo and cancer.)
Pray don’t worry, and if you are going to worry don’t pray.
Living like a bachelor for the next several weeks as my wife will be on travel until early in July it will just be the girls and I running wild, and living free; well not exactly wild and free in case a TX cps employee reads this.
Hey keep Johnson family in your thoughts and prayers, recovering from lung transplant is tough it has taken me 15 months and now I can finally stop asking for that linebacker’s number that ear holed me.
Pray don’t worry, and if you are going to worry don’t pray.
Living like a bachelor for the next several weeks as my wife will be on travel until early in July it will just be the girls and I running wild, and living free; well not exactly wild and free in case a TX cps employee reads this.
Hey keep Johnson family in your thoughts and prayers, recovering from lung transplant is tough it has taken me 15 months and now I can finally stop asking for that linebacker’s number that ear holed me.
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Birthday Party
Back in Texas, it's HOT
I am still tired from the last 2+ weeks of traveling and the ebbs and flows of life. Today we will be celebrating my daughters 5th birthday, at a local indoor bounce house; so I will do like any proud father I will party like a rock star I mean I will party like High School Musical. I hope she enjoys the party, I hope I don't pull a muscle, I hope the party will serve as a temporary distraction.
I am still tired from the last 2+ weeks of traveling and the ebbs and flows of life. Today we will be celebrating my daughters 5th birthday, at a local indoor bounce house; so I will do like any proud father I will party like a rock star I mean I will party like High School Musical. I hope she enjoys the party, I hope I don't pull a muscle, I hope the party will serve as a temporary distraction.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Poem relating to my father
A Poem by Edward A. Guest
" Somebody said that it couldn't be done,
But he with a chuckle replied
That "maybe it couldn't", but he would be one
Who wouldn't say so till he tried.
So he buckled right in with a trace of a grin
On his face. If he worried he hid it.
He started to sing as he tackled the thing,
That couldn't be done and he did it.
Somebody scoffed: "Oh, you'll never do that;
At least no one ever has done it"
But he took off his coat and he took of his hat,
And the first thing we knew he'd begun it.
With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,
Without any doubting or quiddit,
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, and he did it.
There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,
There are thousands to prophesy failure;
There are thousands to point out to you, one by one,
The dangers that wait to assail you.
But just buckle in with a bit of a grin
Just take off your coat and go to it.
Just start to sing as you tackle the thing
That "cannot be done," and you'll do it."
--- Edgar A. Guest
" Somebody said that it couldn't be done,
But he with a chuckle replied
That "maybe it couldn't", but he would be one
Who wouldn't say so till he tried.
So he buckled right in with a trace of a grin
On his face. If he worried he hid it.
He started to sing as he tackled the thing,
That couldn't be done and he did it.
Somebody scoffed: "Oh, you'll never do that;
At least no one ever has done it"
But he took off his coat and he took of his hat,
And the first thing we knew he'd begun it.
With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,
Without any doubting or quiddit,
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, and he did it.
There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,
There are thousands to prophesy failure;
There are thousands to point out to you, one by one,
The dangers that wait to assail you.
But just buckle in with a bit of a grin
Just take off your coat and go to it.
Just start to sing as you tackle the thing
That "cannot be done," and you'll do it."
--- Edgar A. Guest
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Obituary (Jacob A. Dash)
Jacob Abraham Dash was called to be with his heavenly father on Friday, May 30, 2008.
Jacob Dash was a career military man, having retired from the United States Air Force after 22 years of honorable service.
Jacob Dash was also a Prince Hall Mason of Roger Hughes Lodge # 624 in Austin, TX. Upon retirement from the Air Force Jacob also worked for Nortel Networks until his retirement from there too.
Jacob Dash was a loving, caring, husband, father, grand-father, brother, uncle, cousin, coach, serviceman..

Jacob is survived by his loving wife Ruth Dash of the home, sons Jacob A. Dash of Durham, NC; Jerrold A. Dash and wife Rhonda L. Dash of Fort Worth, TX, and Justin A. Dash and wife Stephanie Dash of Durham, NC; grandchildren, cousins, nieces, nephews, friends, and former co-workers.
Services: 1 p.m. Tuesday, Whiterock Baptist Church. Stringer Fisher Funeral Parlor is in charge of the home going services.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Senior Master Sergeant (SMSgt) is the eighth enlisted rank (pay grade E-8) in the U.S. Air Force, just above Master Sergeant and below Chief Master Sergeant and is a non-commissioned officer.
According to Air Force Instruction 36-2618, The Enlisted Force Structure:
SMSgts are key, experienced, operational leaders, skilled at merging their personnel's talents, skills, and resources with other teams' functions to most effectively accomplish the mission. SMSgts continue to develop their leadership and management skills in preparation for expanded responsibilities and higher leadership positions. SMSgts normally operate at the operational level of leadership.
Promotion to Senior Master Sergeant is the most difficult enlisted promotion to attain in the Air Force. It is the first enlisted grade to which results of a central promotion board are the primary factor in selection for promotion. Usually, less than ten percent of eligible Master Sergeants are selected for promotion to Senior Master Sergeant in most years. Selectees typically have vast technical and leadership experience gained from a broad variety of assignments at both line and staff functions throughout their careers. Additionally, the successful candidate will typically have at a minimum completed an associate's or bachelor's degree in their Air Force specialty as well as the Senior Noncommissioned Officer Correspondence Course and have had their latest performance report endorsed by a senior rater, usually a Colonel or Brigadier General.
Senior Master Sergeants typically assume superintendent duties, overseeing enlisted members' efforts to accomplish a major segment of a unit's mission, in preparation for promotion to the rank of Chief Master Sergeant. They are expected to serve as mentors for noncommissioned and junior commissioned officers.
Senior Master Sergeants in the First Sergeant special duty serve as First Sergeants of larger units than those employing a Master Sergeant as a First Sergeant. These First Sergeants (pay grades E-7 to E-9) are referred to officially as "First Sergeant" (regardless of their pay grade), and unofficially as "First Shirt" or simply the "Shirt".
By Federal law, only two percent of the Air Force's total active duty enlisted strength may hold this rank.
Senior Master Sergeants are sometimes referred to by the nickname of "Senior". This usage is an informal one, however, and would not be used in an official or formal setting. The official term of address is Senior Master Sergeant or Sergeant.[1]
Published in The Sun Herald on 6/2/2008.
Jacob Abraham Dash
today I funeralized my father; it was the toughest task I have ever had put on my plate. My father had been ill for sometime and I though I was emotionally prepared for the task at hand but I was not. My father was a career military man, a football / sports fanatic, along with being old school in the way he carried himself, so I must apologize to my father, coach Dash, Sir for my unit seems to be flawed I seem to have some strange fluid that escapes my eyes from time to time, upon completion of this blog post I will drop and give you 20. The funeral services were nicely done, very tasteful and the funeral parlor (Fisher Funeral Parlor) in Durham, NC did a magnificent job (Thank-you) my family and I are appreciative of your great works. My father received full military honors and also was laid to rest masonicly by the brothers in Durham 26th Masonic District,PHA.F&AM through communications with my fathers home lodge in Austin, TX Roger Hughes #624;PHA.F&AM. The military honor guard was fabulous, they did justice to my fathers military career.
It is hard to say goodbye to such a complicated melody as my father; fortunately I will see him again in heaven. Thank-you for all the memories (good and bad), your earthly body is dead but your spirit and soul shall live on.
GOD bless you father go and be with our heavenly Father, I love you.
It is hard to say goodbye to such a complicated melody as my father; fortunately I will see him again in heaven. Thank-you for all the memories (good and bad), your earthly body is dead but your spirit and soul shall live on.
GOD bless you father go and be with our heavenly Father, I love you.
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