click the link above, for events.
November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month!
April is National Donate Life Month
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
cold day
Monday, December 01, 2008
At the Spa
My spirometery is up I think I am at about 81% with my FEV/FVC1 I also lost three pounds between my last visit and now.
I packed a bag with my meds, laptop, Ipod, and three days work of hospital clothes; just in case they have ideas of keeping me here.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Black Friday
I broke down and got up VERY EARLY this morning and experienced this whole Black Friday phenomenon (Black Friday Craze) for the first time. I was not impressed I didn’t see any of the fighting, or cursing that is annually displayed in the news. I also got good parking; it is good to have handicapped parking.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
I am thankful for my health, family, friends and organ donors everywhere (it is your selfless gift(s) that allow those of us with conditions once considered to be terminal a second chance at life. I am also grateful for the peaceful passing of my father, the patriarch of our family I do miss him terribly; but having faced death on a daily basis and living with the scars that remind me daily that each breath I take may very well be my last, I am grateful I am thankful that he passed away in his own home peacefully and does not have to suffer anymore.
Today will be an uneventful day, I will eat, watch football, nap, eat, watch football, nap and oh yea work on a few projects (at my pace) around the house. The family will be eating and visiting my wife’s family members in town so I will have the house to myself.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
A little under the weather
Monday, November 24, 2008
Bowling Pictures
Busy Weekend
Moved furniture on Saturday, Hey I am getting my strength back... in just a few weeks a new gym will be opening at work.... Hello big boy weights I have missed you for it has been almost three years since we broke up.
Got in some sprints while practicing soccer with the family on Sunday, I ran awkwardly up and down the field (neuropathy).... I was tired.... I do have a long way to go to get ready for the 2012 transplant Olympics and total domination of any event I enter... I pity the fools that compete against me (Mr. T voice).
After soccer we hit the lanes to bowl, it was the first time Ravyn got to actually bowl as a participant in the game, I think she enjoyed it. I need to get my average up a few points I would like to average about 190 per game so I can DOMINATE the bowling in 2012.
I am still debating what to do about Turkey Day, should I fry the Turkey or what, last year I fryed as usual and only got to eat Turkey for one day as I was in the hospital for about a week the day after, Black Friday........... the wife and girls were very sad that I was in the hospital but the sales and bargains seemed to comfort them in my absence
Friday, November 21, 2008
Bad News (strep throat)
Good news for lung cancer patients seeking transplant.
The hospitals that are doing or considering a BAC patient as a lung transplant patient.
UT Southwestern
All these hospitals of excellence with great oncology and transplant programs have started opened up with regards to transplanting cancer folk(s) if they meet the transplant criteria. It is good to have an additional option when dealing with cancer rather than the norm with lung cancer, terminal lung cancer which is take your palliative treatment and go home waiting on DEATH to come. We are making progress.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Good News
I missed a call from Bo (BJ) he sounded well, we'll talk soon and I will tell him he is in a marathon not a sprint now, take your time and pace yourself.
The President elect is causing me problems. His promise to get the family (daughters) a dog is putting me in the dog house. The girls R3 all want a dog, I may give in to keep the peace but it must hypoallergenic due to my lung restrictions. Some of the hypoallergenic dog I have seen are unique in their appearance; if we get one of these dogs I won't be able to help myself I might slip up having a color purple moment saying to the dog "You sho is ugly".
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Stand Off
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Lung Cancer Walk in NC
Dusty Donaldson
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The Spa is tryin' to KILL ME.....
Aside from getting sick or being made sick at the Spa, my visit was good; my breathing is up and getting stronger, I also am still cancer free. I will be seeing a dermatologist since the meds leave you susceptible to other cancers with skin cancer being one of the cancers that the doctors worry about.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Doctor Day (D-Day)
Saturday, November 08, 2008
R2 found us
Friday, November 07, 2008
Date Night
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Cancer Free
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
What will I watch when I get hospitalized the next time??? Food Network (it is hard to stomach when you are NPO waiting on test) or the hospital baby channel?? (two is enough R2 are a handful)
I wish I could I could talk over the elections with my dad; he paid alot for his country with his military service and also given the fact he was shot as a teenager while walking the picket lines so WE could vote.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
fully recovered
Saturday, November 01, 2008
DFW lung cancer walk
Below is a picture of Bud, and myself. Two athletes and lung cancer survivors, basically two hombres that are Tougher Than Cancer. We spoke before the walk/run to motivate, rally, inspire, and put a survivors face to the national health care crisis that is Lung Cancer.
- Remember it is irrelevant whether someone smoked or didn't smoke.
- Anyone can get cancer, yes including lung cancer, yes you can, just look at me and BJ (Bo Johnson and many, many other I have not mentioned)
- Lung Cancer won't be a commonly discussed health care issue until it is de-stigmatized and the medical community makes it a priority to help retrain the public through a partnership with mass media
Friday, October 31, 2008
Eatin' good in the Neighborhood
IV CT Today
I will be drinking a lot of water today about 1 and a half gallons to get all the IV contrast out of my system. I will also be taking NAC pills for the next couple of days to help clear all the radioactive junk out. By the way I hate IV contrast because it tastes bad and burns your insides like fire when it is going in.
The lung cancer walk tomorrow morning, I am looking forward to it; I think we will make it a family event.
Trick or Treat tonight.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Slow Thrusday
- Monday out sick with the girls
- Tuesday work
- Wed. out getting the carpet taken out and new floors
- Thursday still working on the floors
I have my CT in the morn. lets hope I don't see any freaky stuff if I happen to use shortcut #32 and cut through the Emergency Room
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
No Infection
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sinus Infection
I ain’t going to the spa.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Busy Saturday, No Time for sickness
Boo At The Zoo, Let’s walk......
Friday, October 24, 2008
Another TGIF
Today is the last soccer practice and I am not sorry to see the season end, it has been a long season; Raegan is getting better now we have to get ready for basketball and spring soccer and possibly track and field in the early Summer.
I bought the tickets for boo at the zoo, I should be stronger and have more stamina this year, I plan to walk R3 into the ground (my feet don't hurt so bad anymore)
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Gave Blood
I am not technically challenged so I am making arrangements to go pick up another degree, back to SMU I will either pick up a Master in Software Engineering or a Masters in Security Engineering (I really want to do the Security Engineering it will take me back to my roots when I took off my football helmet and hung out with the rest of the CS majors in Data Structures class hacking away in the good ol' days of ftp Internet surfing..... I technically remanence).
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
More lab work again
I hope tomorrows labs go smoothly with the blood draw, orders arriving, and the results looking good.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
State Fair & Soccer Pictures
Oh yea I had blood work today, so I need to keep my levels in the acceptable range or else the doctors will want to see me, (take a picture).
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Let the fun begin
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Lazy Sunday
Finally getting around to replacing (most) of the carpet in the house so I can cut down on some of the dust, dirt, allergens, mold that carpets hold which will damage my lungs.
I think I might be coming down with a little something, I don’t have a fever but everyone around me (work, home….) has some sort of cough and or sniffle, combined with my flu shot I might be catching a little something.
I hope I am not leaning toward a spa trip because I have a busy week ahead as my mom and niece will be in town and we have a lot planed for them (King Tut exhibit, circus, State Fair, TCU soccer, zoo, breakfast / lunch with Raegan at school, and Ravyn’s dance class; I have no time to be sick.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Flu Shot
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Post Debate (economy, health care......????)
I don't know if having private health care credit 5000 will help I spend 5000 a year on medical parking alone and can't get health care outside of a company I work for, Hello cancer patient transplant recipient need i go on....
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Political Smack down
I get excited about the debates as I am focusing on the current state of the economy (local, national, and worldwide GLOBAL) and health care very intensely. I hope we hear some real answers and are feed some meat, and don't have to dance with the stars tonight.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Dogs at the track
The family and I went out to get in some cardio at the local Jr. high track, the girls riding their bikes, me walking/jogging/jumpin' rope, mom COORDINATING our activities /
Friday, October 03, 2008
Dumb it down, lowered expectations
Show cancer some love, everything is not pink only
Breast Cancer has an almost endless supply of funds and seems to flood the market with easily identifiable objects that flood the market and make people think pink, and fight for a cure for breast cancer. I can't even watch football without having to fight for a cure. Can we as a society put some effort toward the other cancers that take more lives than breast cancer ever will, stop letting the people that suffer from cancers other than breast cancer suffer in silence because of lack of fund for new researchers to cure them and stop forcing them to hide ashamed of the stigmas their cancer may carry with it (true or not).
Running Shoes: I got some new running shoes the other day and some new walking shoes, they are big size 13 wide, and size 14 respectfully..... you know what they say about guys with big feet.... uh they have big shoes of course, what else. Anyway these new shoes do make my feet feel good, as my feet are still numb and swollen (neuropathy).
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Nervous (my 70's hit)
The streak continues I have only been hospitalized once this year (April with phenomena) I still think that spa visit is haunting me because I got a bronch and the nostril that all the tubes went down still itches like crazy..... or maybe it is the deviated septum that I was diagnosed with as the reason for my coughing before being diagnosed with cancer.... go figure Staying Alive Video
Lyrics as I see them club banger:
Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk,I'm a hospital man, no time to talk.
Music loud and hospital robe warm.
I've been kicked around since I was born.
And now it's all right, it's O.K. And you may look the other way.
We can try to understand The Saturday Night Lives effect on man.
Whether you're a transplant brother Or whether you're a transplant mother,
You're stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Feel the bed pan breakin' And the nurses shakin'And we're stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Ah, ha, ha, ha,Stayin' alive.Stayin' alive.Ah, ha, ha, ha,Stayin' alive.
Well now, I get Shots and I get IV's if I can't get either I really try.
Got the hospital house arrest anklet on my shoes I'm a dancin' man and I just can't lose.
You know it's all right, it's O.K.I'll live to see another day.
We can try to understand The New York Times' effect on the man(the doctors) .
Whether you're a transplant brother Or whether you're a transplant mother,
You're stayin' alive, stayin' alive and stayin' out of the hospital (spa) ...............
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Church Sunday
Visited the church of my brother-in-law and sister-in-law which was a good visit I stayed alert for the whole service. If I have one complaint that is everyone wanting to shake hands I don’t do a lot of that b/c I don’t want to have to deal with all the germs people are caring this time of year. I hope people don’t take it personally if I don’t hug or shake their hands I am just trying to stay out of the SPA (hospital)
Thursday, September 25, 2008
routine Thursday
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Soccer Saturday after the Friday night fights
I almost set it off in Target while shopping for the girls new bathroom ensemble; some young punk (cuss word) were smoking a cigar in the store (hey buddy the store is smoke free), my wife got a little embarrassed b/c I was the one out of all the shoppers in the store (also buying) ensembles that told the kids to put it out or leave the store young punk......You can smoke outside away from the store; the law allows for that. The doctors put me on more meds the other day, hormone pills mixed w/ steroids I really don’t think I need the hormone pills (still counteracting the chemo from 2 years ago) as you can tell from the previous paragraph I am all right, mean, hostile and still subscribing to the philosophy that sometimes for principal you have to kick some (fill in the blank)
No bumps on my arm today at practice, I think the bumps were the result of the sun block, just long sleeve shirts were worn to soccer practice today.
Saw the pulmonary docs today that prescribed the CPAP, they weren’t happy with my lack of using the mask. They told me I would die without it, got me scared (not) news flash I am going to die (one day) anyway. I will try to do better about wearing the mask.
Double header in soccer today, I hope Raegan doesn’t get too tired, 2 hours of running.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Uneventful weeks, are good
Soccer tomorrow I am looking forward to Practice (Practice I am talking 'bout practice), I will also go without sunblock to see if I can reproduce the white bumps that I have noticed on several occasions appearing on my arms; I wonder if my sunblock is to heavy 60 SPF,
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Ike and Tina are comin'
We made it through one period at the TCU / Rice soccer game, next time we will have to get there early so the girls can go out on the field and kick goals against the TCU mascot.
I am worried about these heat / water bumps I seem to get when I am outside running; I don't know if these bumps are due to all the different meds that I take or if it is due to the sunblock I am using; I will have to conduct some test to try and get to the root cause of what is causing these bumps to appear.

Blood work in the morning.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Stanford University Medical Center Lung Transplant Support Group
The following is a presentation and interaction between members of the lung transplant support group at Stanford University and the medical staff that care for them (us) particularly Dr. David Weill. Thanks for letting me post this valuable information.
Notes: Stanford Transplant Support Group,
June 6, 2008 Dr. Weill (2:00 -3:30 p.m.)
1. There are 3 types of Rejection
A. Acute i. 100% treatable ii. Is reversible iii. Occurs with 60% of recipients in the 1st year post transplant iv. Defined as a 20% drop of the FEV1 number that recovers with treatment v. Treated with intravenous steroids (Solumedrol)
B. Chronic i. Also known as BOS (Bronchiolitis Obliterans Syndrome) ii. 4 stages, 1 thru 4 iii. At stage 1, FEV1 number has dropped 20% over a three month period iv. Stages 3 and 4 are worse, patient may become 24/7 oxygen dependent, may consider re-transplant v. Stage 4 re-transplants are becoming more common when they can’t slow the rejection. With re-transplantations, the surgery is much harder as it takes a longer time to remove the transplanted lungs; the ICU stay is generally rougher also.
C. Antibody Mediated [discussed later] 1. Treatments for Rejection 1. Steroids, change immunosuppressant medications 2. ATG – IV heavy duty immunosuppressant which attack of t-cells, hospitalized to watch for infection 3. GERD can cause aspirations which may result in inflammation or fungal plitation (sp?) in the lungs, treated with RAP (long name that I didn’t get written down), with 5-6 patients who were still showing signs of GERD, surgery was performed 7 days after treatmentQuestions and Answers: 1. How do viruses fit in with rejection? 1. RSV – seasonal 2. Pera influenza 1 and 3 – detected with nasal swabs, treated with inhaled rhybovirin in the hospital 3. MAC – unknown 4. MRSA – unknown 5. A virus is where an upper respiratory infection does not go away in 3 days, see the transplant team 2. How many lung transplants and patients is Stanford working with? 1. 30 transplants so far this year, expecting to do around 60 total. 2. Treating 350 outpatients 3. The numbers are increasing! 3. How are lungs allocated? 1. A lung allocation score based on a number of criteria is assigned, a 35-45 score out of 100 places you fairly high on the wait list 2. Re-transplants receive lungs faster 3. Transplant waiting times are a matter of weeks
2. What about age – what is the philosophy for a cut off?
Stanford looks at the individual, if a patient is exceptional (like Dennis), they will transplant at any age 2. The published age cut off for lungs is 65
3. When are re-transplants not a consideration?
When a patient has severe kidney or liver or coronary disease 2. A number of patients have received new kidneys as well as lungs
4. What constitutes the stages of chronic rejection?
(no rejection) is where the absolute FEV1 number is within 20% of your best FEV1 2. 1 if your FEV1 drops 20% 3. 2 if your FEV1 drops another 10% 4. 3 if your FEV1 drops another 10% 5. 4 if your FEV1 drops another 10%
5. What triggers a bronchoscopy? Is it how rejection is diagnosed? 1. A 10% absolute drop of the FEV1 triggers a bronch to look for rejection or infection. 2. A bronch is not necessarily a good indicator of rejection; primarily breathing test results are used.
6. How/what treatments are used to treat rejection?
1. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor on the individual. 2. IV meds are used over oral meds because of absorption 3. A number of transplant recipients require a kidney transplant because of the toxicity from the immunosuppressants
7. How are allergies related? 1. Sinus infections can cause lung infections, but allergies should not result in lung infections.
8. What about inhaled cyclosporine? 1. It is not in the next phase of trials yet. 2. There will be clinical trials for newly transplanted patients starting soon with two goals: i. Does it give the same dose as oral versions? ii. If someone is in rejection, should this be added as a treatment? iii. The medication in the trials is by ATP, the delivery system is NECTAR.
9. What about the on-going lab testing as an indicator of rejection”
It is inconclusive, still continuing the study.
10. What about antibody mediated rejection?
1. There are blood and donor specific antibodies, if mis-matched there is a compliment complex and can be treated: i. Plasma foresis – 5 day wash ii. IVIG fluid iii. Rituxinmab 2. 40-50 rejections with 3 antibodies 3. Biopsies are performed to determine if there is an issue 4. This usually occurs 6-12 months post transplant 12. What causes rejection? 1. Aspiration from GERD PCR 2. CMV – being followed more regularly 3. RSV, Para Influenza 4. Changes to white blood cell count i. If it drops reduce meds, drop Cellcept, bactrim, MMF ii. If elevated, indicates bacterial infection – will this cause rejection? Unknown 5. GCF could cause attacks on new lungs
11. How often are bronchoscopies performed?
1. Stanford follows a Surveillance Program approach for bronchs 2. Hyper vigilant the first year, then by ear 3. After 2 years, the yield from bronch is very low and may be more invasive a procedure than what it may show. 4. Basically if you feel well, all is well,
12. Will prednisone be eliminated as a post transplant med for lung patients?
1. [Emphatic] NO, not in lung transplants, coming off prednisone leads to a fast death, it too risky. 2. After 1 year, immunosuppressants are reduced with prednisone tapering down to 5 mg, tacrolimus is also reduced. This is because infections are too prevalent at high levels of immunosuppression.
13. Does exercise affect post transplant survival?
1. This is not proven, but those who exercise feel well enough to exercise so it may be an indicator of overall health.
14. What about reconnecting the bronchial artery during transplant surgery?
1. It increases circulation which is better for transplant recipients long term. 2. It protects against rejection. 3. The surgery is risky as it adds 45-60 minutes to the surgery 4. Under consideration, but not high on the transplant surgeon’s planning
15. What about dietary supplements of antioxidants?
Are they OK with all our meds? 1. There is no data, do inform the transplant team if you are taking any
16. What about probiotics?
Unknown, no data
17. I am pre-transplant, should we remove the carpets in our home? 1. No
18. What about animals?
No birds, no cat litter – somebody else will need to clean the litter box (cheers from the crowd)
19. What about foods post transplant
No sushi, raw oysters grapefruit or grapefruit juice, cook things through (this is what he would do), but the grapefruit can affect absorption of immunosuppressants
20. What about West Nile Virus? 1. He has seen 3 cases, avoid being outdoors at dawn and dusk, use insect repellent
21. What about mental status post transplant – I seem to forget more post transplant and have to write things down?
Neurological affect of immunosuppressants is common 2. Also blindness and seizures have occurred 3. Cycloclosporine causes more issues than prograf
22. What about Wart treatments?
Systemic, localized treatment is OK
23. What are the long term side effects of immunosuppressants?
High blood pressure 2. Kidney damage 3. One-half of transplant recipients have these
24. The transplant doctors aren’t talking to each other, we are getting conflicting courses of treatment – what are you doing about that?
Three of the 4 attending physicians are on the same page, the other is overly aggressive. Sometimes, it’s better to wait and see vs. treating it since every treatment can cause harm. 2. The team takes the top 10% of patients with issues and discuss them on Friday mornings 3. With the large number of patients, it is impossible to follow every individual all the time 4. They are looking to expand the staff from social worker, to nurses, to physicians, but don’t have the finances approved 5. What can we do about this? (audience comment) – write letters to hospital administration [Allyson to provide address!]
25. What about pseudomonas and solumedrol?
Is one of the possible side effects death? 1. Treatment of solumedrol when a patient has pseudomonas is not recommended, and no it won’t kill you. 2. One of the attending physicians said it could kill you (audience comment).
26. How prevalent is RSV?
There have been 12-15 cases at Stanford in the Dr.’s experience. 2. This is much lower than he saw in Colorado
27. What other changes are taking place?
The pulmonary rehab is closing down as a number of other rehab facilities 2. This is not a money maker (audience comment)
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
West Coast Article
Lung cancer in nonsmokers — who's most at risk
10:01 AM, September 9, 2008
Smoking may seem synonymous with lung cancer, but it isn't. Those who have never picked up a cigarette can still develop the disease and, in fact, 10% to 15% of cases are blamed on factors other than smoking. Now we have a clearer picture of the disease in nonsmokers.
In reviewing lung cancer cases among lifelong nonsmokers in North America, Europe and Asia, researchers with the American Cancer Society have established that:
Men are more likely to die of the disease than women, regardless of age or racial group.
Men and women are almost equally as likely to develop the disease at age 40 and beyond.
African Americans are more likely to die from the disease than are those of European descent.
Asians living in Korea and Japan, but not in the U.S., are more likely to die of the disease than those of European descent.
The disease doesn't seem to be rising among women in the U.S. (Again: The study was among nonsmokers — the rise among women smokers has been well-documented.)
The disease is more common in East Asian women than in other women.
Here's the full report — available to all at PLoS Medicine.
If you're looking for a personal account of a nonsmoker with the disease, check out the blog 2newlungs. It's about the daily — medical and nonmedical — life of Jerrold. He describes himself this way: "Former football player and never smoker who beat stage 4 BAC (lung cancer) and survived a bi-lateral lung transplant at Stanford University March 2007."
And of course, for all the statistics and information you could possibly want about the disease, there's the American Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute. Smoker or no, the disease is horrific.
— Tami Dennis
(The first words in this post were originally "Lung cancer." The intended word, "Smoking," has been substituted to correct that mistake.)
Monday, September 08, 2008
Transplant Olympics
I think I will compete in several of the Track & Field events, Bowling, the Virtual Triathlon, maybe some swimming events too depending on how the events are scheduled. I predict gold in the following track events:
100 yd Dash
200 yd Dash
400 yd Dash
Long Jump
Softball Toss
I predict I will medal in the Virtual Triathlon and bowling.
I will show in swimming but I need to work on that when I can, remember there are a lot of pool borne viruses I am trying to avoid all the time.
A link to the 2008 Transplant Olympics is below:
Friday, September 05, 2008
Raw, early reaction to Stand Up To Cancer
My early reaction and initial impression about the show is a positive one but, I do have a but; so I have some positive comments and a negative comment too.
It is a start, this show, this movement raises awareness, funds, and motivates many tired individual stakeholders letting them (us) know that we are not standing alone. Many of the treatment we must endure weakens us so to have some one else standing beside us spotting us is great, cancer is something we all have to work to get rid of. I hope this is just the beginning with more attention on this health epidemic to come. Thanks to the network(s), medical community, scientific community, monetary donors, survivors, family, friends...... let's wipe out cancer one patient at a time.
I did not hear alot about lung cancer, is that old stigma still getting in the way? It was implied by one of the famous folks manning the phone that implied lung cancer is caused by smokers. Anybody and everybody can get lung cancer.
Bedtime for me I am tired and have been coughing up some pretty big clots from my lungs this week.
Stand Up To Cancer
What is Stand Up To Cancer?Stand Up To Cancer is a new initiative to raise philanthropic dollars for accelerating ground-breaking cancer research through an unprecedented collaboration uniting the major television networks, entertainment industry executives, celebrities and prominent leaders in cancer research and patient advocacy.
Stand Up To Cancer includes:
A nationally televised fundraising event to air simultaneously on ABC, CBS and NBC at 8 p.m. EST and PST, and 7 p.m CST on September 5, 2008; - an online community for everyone affected by cancer;
A public service announcement (PSA) campaign featuring celebrities and members of the public to mobilize support for the campaign.
What is the goal of Stand Up To Cancer?Simply put, Stand Up To Cancer's goal is to end cancer's reign as a leading cause of death by raising funds to accelerate research that will help transform cancer from a disease that takes lives to one people can manage and live with.
Stand Up To Cancer will fund the most promising cancer research projects and unite the best scientists who are on the verge of critical discoveries that can quickly provide direct patient benefit.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Picture Post, guess who got stuck w/ camera duty
Stop talking to strangers, you have alot of family in N.C. but she is not our cousin

I am a Princess.... That is fine you better stay away from boys today, tomorrow, the next day, remember daddy is sick but not to sick to set it off, STAY AWAY FROM BOYS