
National Lung Cancer Partnership EVENTS
click the link above, for events.

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month!

April is National Donate Life Month

Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Swine Flu

The Swine / Piggy (H1N1) Flu still lingers in the DFW.... Crowley School System has not reacted to this Flu yet..... I am real nervous about this Flu.

Recovering from the TCU stairs while getting ready for the media / transplant recipient softball game.

Today is the last, final.... soccer game of the Spring 2009 season.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jerrold,

    I'm not sure this is the correct post to comment on, as its not directly relevant, but I have read much of your archives and have a lot of admiration for you.

    My husband was just diagnosed with lung cancer and I'm looking around for as much information as I can get.

    Your story is inspirational and your daughters are beautiful.


Thank-you for commenting on my blog.